01-07-2024 - 01-07-2024

On 29 th jun, with the blessings of Lord Vitthal ,we concluded the first project of RY 24-25 WARKARI SEVA. We donated food items groceries to the 150 years old 4th generation "Rohidas Maharaj Dindi" from Pandharpur which will suffice for around 300 warkaris for 6 days. Further one time dinner was arranged for 150 warkaris .The warkaris were delighted to receive it & gave lots of blessings to our club. Along with the Rotarians, many Rotractors also attended the project.

Project Details

Start Date 01-07-2024
End Date 01-07-2024
Project Cost 175000
Rotary Volunteer Hours 175
No of direct Beneficiaries 1950
Partner Clubs
Non Rotary Partners Sharyu Nagar Prathishthan
Project Category Economic and Community Development