26-07-2023 - 26-07-2023

On 26 July, we have completed Rotary Nigdi blood donation drive in association with Walia group and YCM blood bank. 19 Rotarians with two annets from RC NIgdi and 8 rotractors from three different clubs attended the Rotary project. We had conducted this blood donation drive to meet the blood platelet crisis aroused in the city due to Dengue. 82 Prospective members also attended the project. We got excellent response and could collect 125 blood bags. Walia group rented a pandal to cover about 1100 Sft area for 8 beds and YCM blood bank also got fully AC bus for additional 4 bed to manage extra crowed.

Project Details

Start Date 26-07-2023
End Date 26-07-2023
Project Cost 50600
Rotary Volunteer Hours 300
No of direct Beneficiaries 1000
Partner Clubs
Non Rotary Partners 1)Walia Industries 2)YCMA Hospital
Project Category Disease Prevention and Treatment